Using paleo-archives to safeguard biodiversity under climate change
1 Aug, 2020·,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
0 min read
Damien A. Fordham
Stephen T. Jackson
Stuart C. Brown
Brian Huntley
Barry W. Brook
Dorthe Dahl-Jensen
M. Thomas P. Gilbert
Bette L. Otto-Bliesner
Anders Svensson
Spyros Theodoridis
Janet M. Wilmshurst
Jessie C. Buettel
Elisabetta Canteri
Matthew McDowell
Ludovic Orlando

Dr. July Pilowsky
Carsten Rahbek
David Nogues-Bravo
The late Quaternary paleorecord, within the past ∼130,000 years, can help to inform present-day management of the Earth’s ecosystems and biota under climate change. Fordham et al. review when and where rapid climate transitions can be found in the paleoclimate record. They show how such events in Earth’s history can shape our understanding of the consequences of future global warming, including rates of biodiversity loss, changes in ecosystem structure and function, and degradation in the goods and services that these ecosystems provide to humanity. They also highlight how recent developments at the intersection of paleoecology, paleoclimatology, and macroecology can provide opportunities to anticipate and manage the responses of species and ecosystems to changing climates in the Anthropocene.