An R package for process-explicit models of wildlife disease
July Pilowsky
What is machine learning?
What is a process-explicit model?
What do you need to make one?
Theory about how the study system works
This is all you really need, because process-explicit models can be data-free
OK, July, but not all models can or should be data-free
Data on processes (such as nitrogen fixation rate or replication fidelity)
Data on drivers (such as temperature or % impervious surface)
Observed patterns that can be compared to model outputs for validation
How do these models apply to disease ecology?
Introducing epizootic
The structure of epizootic
Choosing a study system
I needed to choose a study system on which to test out epizootic based on these criteria:
Verena-scale problem (continental)
Enough data to parameterize and independently validate the model
Enough theory about the system that we know which processes to include
Case study: house finch conjunctivitis
epizootic in practice
epizootic in practice
Processes included in the model:
Transmission dynamics (discrete time SIRI models, parameters differing by season and life cycle stage)
Density-dependent dispersal, parameters differing by life cycle stage
Density-dependent fecundity and mortality, with mortality differing by infection status
epizootic in practice
Drivers included in the model:
Environmental change (climate and land use)
Invasion dynamics (introduction of house finches to NY)
Initial spillover event from poultry in 1994
Parameterization for epizootic
House finch demography
House finch banding survey data on dispersal
Transmission, recovery, and partial immunity for the disease
Spatially explicit breeding season length (inferred from eastern bluebird data)
Historical climate data
Historical land use data
Validation for epizootic
Presence of house finches in Washington DC in 1994
Date of arrival of house finch conjunctivitis in Northeast regions
Spatiotemporal point prevalence of conjunctivitis
Rate of change in house finch abundance
Date of arrival of house finches east of the Rockies
Presences and true absences of house finches in North America
Validation for epizootic
epizootic and you
How can epizootic integrate with the research that you do at Verena?
epizootic and you
epizootic and you
epizootic and you
I believe that process-explicit modeling is an excellent and rigorous way to model ecological processes at multiple scales. How can it help you? Let’s discuss!